sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

My Oral Presentation

Hello, my name's Karine and I'am going to talk about my life. I want to talk about:
  • About me
  • When and where I was born
  • My family
  • Hobbies
  • My pet
  • My best friend
About me: As you know my name's Karine and I'm 16 years old. I'm spontaneous, happy, active.. I'm a little bit shy with people I don't know well. When I have to speak in front of a lot people I get angry very quickly but I try to be very quickly too. I love going to parties with my friends and having fun.

When  and where I was born: I was born in Brazil on 29 of october in 1996. I came to live in Spain four years ago. In Brazil I have my grandparents and I miss them. Now, I live in Fortia but two years ago to lived in Figueres.

My family: I have got two sisters and one brother. Katrine and Junior are twins, they are 11 years old and they study in a school of Fortia. Caroline's 13 years old, she studies here, sometimes we get very angry but I love her, she's my confidant. He is my stepfather and my mother, he is 36 years old and she is 31 years old. They are the best parents in the world.

My hobbies: In my free time I like wath TV, listen to music, I like differents types of music, go shopping I love buy clothes, my typical saturday I'm with friends and we go to the party or go to cinema..

My pet: I have got a cat, his name's Smith, he is 5 years old, he's with and he has blue eyes. He is good and loving, he likes showers and sometimes I laught with his. Apart of Smith I have a lot of cats.

My best friend: She's Sheyla my best friend, she lives in Vila Sacra and she's 18 years old, we are friends  since 3 years ago. She helps you if you need it, she undestands, listens to you and she is funny. She's a sister for me.
But now apart of Sheyla I have another important person in my life Alba, is a person you can relly trust and I lover her.

Presentation(10%): I used different types of resoucers, I used a power point and images. I think the resoucers are relevant and attractive and focused on the topic, my presentation occupy 5 minuts. (10%)

Body language and eye contact(10%): I had some problems and I didn't presentation for class, I did the presentation alone with teacher. Altought we were only two, I was very nervous and in some point I had to look at my notes.(4%)

Structure(10%): I think the structure of my power point is good because I organized my ideas in order of importance and also I used makers: well, now, then..(10%)

Content(30%): I think I introduced interesting and new information of my life. The information is detailed and clear and it's don't copied from a source, it's original because I talk about my life. I think the information is correct. (20%)

Language(20%): My grammar is more or less correct and complex, my vocabulary was varied also I use sentences linkers because I prepared it days ago and I revised the grammar. (10%)

Pronunciation and intonation:(10%): I didn't know how to pronounce all the words because I was wrong  with two words: "here and eyes" but I was check the pronuncations with a dictiionary and Katia helps me. I think I didn't changed my tone of voice and I haven't a good pronunciation but I try to do best I could becanuse I had prepared well.(5%)

Self Evaluation(10%): I intend for the second term to make the presentation in front all class and I try to give the best of me(5%)

Final mark:6,4

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